“I have a dream of working to help my people. I want to help them meet their needs.”
Every morning for four painful years, Kalpanna woke up to live out the same exhausting day of cutting one ton of wood, over and over again. She was enslaved at a wood-cutting facility—closely monitored with no hope of leaving. As each day passed, this young mother’s sole worry was for her two children working tirelessly beside her, hungry.
Amid this darkness, Kalpanna experienced every mom’s worst nightmare: helplessly watching her older son pass away as medical care showed up too late. She feared her other son might suffer the same fate.
Thankfully, she and her family were rescued. Your gifts help fund entire rescue operations and enroll families in our aftercare programs. Because of supporters like you, this little family could start a whole new life in freedom.
Today, Kalpanna and her family are back in their village. Kalpanna enrolled herself in a training class and now runs her own tailoring business with the sewing machine your support helps provide.
She’s now able to give her son a bright future.
And today, while he’s chasing his dreams at school, Kalpanna is chasing her dream of helping others just like her.
“I have a dream of working to help my people. I want to help them meet their needs.”
Your gifts have a ripple effect, impacting individual lives and entire communities. Give a gift today to help us rescue more families trapped in slavery.